Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Performance Appraisal

This is the method of evaluating the behavior of the employee in the work spot, including both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of job performance. The main features of performance appraisal are, Performance appraisal is the systematic description of an employee’s job relevant strengths and weaknesses. The main purpose is to find out how well the employee is performing the job and establish a plan for improvement. Appraisals are arranged periodically according to definite plans. It is not a job evaluation but it refers to how well the employee has done the assigned work. It is a continuous process in every large scale organization.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Benchmarking in organization

Benchmarking helps us identify best practice in particular areas of HRM such as development or induction. 'Best practice' has an obvious common sense meaning: literally the methods and techniques ways which produce superior results in HRM. In reality the concept is more problematic. Often it is difficult to demonstrate that a particular initiative produced 'superior' result. Fitz-enz (1993) surveyed 600 large US companies and found that excellent outcomes might be reported by two companies with diametrically opposed HR practices. His conclusion was that the 'best practices' they examined was just 'the visible tip of something much deeper in the organization's management philosophy and system'.

Monday, February 9, 2009

3 Tips For Human Resource Management

Here’s an exerpt from my Nonprofit Operations Toolkit about three Human Resource steps I take in my nonprofit.

1. I keep the organizational personnel manual in compliance with state employment law.

2. I created procedures for hiring new employees, an orientation and training manual for new employees, and a step-by-step procedure for training those new employees.

3. I keep employment records up to date and created a procedure for the standard way information is stored in the employment files.

The items I track in the employment records include: employee attendance, disciplinary warnings, vacation requests, employment hiring forms, and benefit enrollment forms.

This information comes in handy if an employee dispute arises or if I am called before the local Unemployment Insurance Board for a hearing.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


This lesson first defines power and distinguishes it from authority. Then it identifies sources of power and explains how power is used in organizations. Finally, it presents the political perspective of power in today’s organizations. The underlying premise of this lesson is that acquisition and distribution of power is a natural process in any organization. Power is a determinant of goals to be achieved and of how resources will be distributed. These, in turn, have far reaching implications for an organization ‘s performance and satisfaction and organizational effectiveness.
There is no universally accepted meaning of power has more diverse meanings than any other concept in organizational behaviour. In general it refers to a capacity that one has to influence the behaviour of an other so that the other does something which would not be done otherwise.
A few of the definitions on power are presented here to capture the wide range of the meanings it has assumed over a period of time.


Leadership and power concepts are intertwined. Leaders use power as a means of attaining group goals. In other words, leaders achieve goals and the power is a facilitator of goal achievement. Since, every organization has goals to purpose ,acquisition and distribution of power is a natural process in it . Power determines the goals , the organization seeks and how the resources in the organisation’s members performance and satisfaction as well organizational effectiveness.
They can be better understood by distinguishing power from authority and influence.
Definitions of power are intertwined with the concepts of authority and influence. Chester Barnard defined power as informal authority Many modern organizational sociologists define authority as legitimate power to have better understanding of power , We bring up clearly the distinctions between power and authority and power and influence.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Human Resource Management

Human resource management is concerned with the people dimension in management. Every organization is made up of people and thus acquiring their services, developing their skills, motivating them to high levels of performance, and ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment to the organization are essential to achieving organizational objectives. This is applicable regardless of the type of organization-government, business, education, health, recreation, or social action. Hiring and retaining good people is vital to the success of every organization ,Whether profit or non profit, public or private. Those organizations that are able to acquire, develop, stimulate, and retain outstanding workers will be both effective and efficient. Those organizations which are ineffective or inefficient risk the hazards of stagnating or going out of business. Survival of an organization requires competent managers and workers coordinating their efforts towards a common goal. While successful coordination cannot guarantee success, organizations which are unsuccessful in getting such coordination from managers and workers will ultimately fail. To look at HRM more specifically, it is a process consisting of four functions-acquisition, development, motivation and maintenance-of human resources. These functions can be getting people, preparing them, activating them, and retaining them. The acquisition function begins with planning. Relative to human resource requirements, the organization needs to know where it is going and how it is going to get there. This includes the estimation of demands and supplies of labour. Acquisition also includes the recruitment, selection, and socialization of employees. The development function can be viewed along three dimensions. The first is employee training, which emphasizes skill development and the change in attitudes among workers. The second is management development, which concerns itself primarily with knowledge acquisition and the enhancement of an executive’s conceptual abilities. The third is career development , which is continual effort to match long term individual and organizational needs. The motivation function begins with the recognition that individuals are unique and that motivation techniques must reflect the needs of each individual. Within the motivation function, alienation, job satisfaction, performance appraisal, behavioral and structural techniques for stimulating worker performance, the importance of linking rewards to performance, compensation and benefits administration, and how to handle problem employees are reviewed. The final function is maintenance. In contrast to the motivation function, which attempts to stimulate performance, the maintenance function is concerned with providing those working conditions that employees believe are important in order to maintain their to the organization. Within the confines of the four functions- acquisition, development, motivation and maintenance-many changes have occurred over the years. What once was merely an activity to find a warm body to fill a vacancy has become a sophisticated process of finding , developing and retaining the best –qualified person for the job .But this metamorphosis did not occur overnight . It is the result of many changes in management thought, society, and the workers themselves.